Monday, July 28, 2014

Hello! Sounds like you had a pretty sweet weekend ! Any cool pictures taken? Lil and Tom are going so far away!! crazy. I haven't received grandmas box yet but hopefully soon!

Well, to start this week we sat down with Elder Hezseltine to download some of what he knows onto us. The Hezseltines went home on Wednesday so we are missing them like crazy. On Monday we sat down with them for a few hours just learning and hoping we would never have to ask them a question again after Monday. . . We are realizing more and more of how much they contributed to this mission. Elder Hezseltine would always say well if you have any questions ask me Thursday! Haha He won.  So Monday was pretty much a working day which was fine. P-day is to Prepare! Tuesday we stayed in working on a some of the area maps that have changed and did some write ups. It was a good day in the office. At the end of the day we went to the chapel and met up with the Sisters to plan for baptisms on Saturday and talk about the New and Returning Member Progress forms. Wednesday we stayed in the office for the morning time to finish up some reports and also to say goodbye to the Hezseltines. Sad Day. . . Sister Hezseltine was still organizing and making arrangements to the last hour, Elder Hezseltine had a meeting that was also taking up his last hours here in Liberia. It’s safe to say that they are going to be very blessed for their diligence in the work. Maybe when they got on the plane that’s when they realized they were going home, other than that they were always serving the Lord. 

 My companion and I are having an extra drive to work in our areas and find more people to teach. When Elder Finau was here President invited me to pray that families will come up to us and be prepared to hear the gospel. So amazing that the Lord would provide such a blessing if we ask for it. We taught an amazing lesson on Saturday to a man and his date. They also have one small girl together. You could just see how much they cared for each other and also how willing they were to be taught. The woman said she has a church and all but at the end of the lesson we invited them both to be baptized members of Jesus Christ’s church and there was no hesitation. They are very prepared to hear this message. It was also a wonderful lesson because we took the first councilor in the district presidency so he bore a powerful testimony to them. I do love teaching and especially with Elder Burr because he teaches clearly and is full of knowledge. It’s fun because we are similar in a few ways. We like to be straight when speaking to others so it makes it really nice to work with someone that has the same views.

 Anyway, on Friday we went on an exchange with Paynesville which was a lot of fun. Elder Bowring and Elder Tolar are great missionaries. We like to call them the ‘Power House Missionaries’ because they are always on top of their work. They are always emphasizing teaching well and always teaching. So throughout the day we taught some good lessons. I went with Elder Tolar and learned a lot from him. We bring instruction and training to these exchanges but it seems as if we are the ones that learn the most. This mission is full of great missionaries. (That’s because this is the greatest mission in the world. . .) So yeah the week was full. We were on the phones all last night for follow ups which is fun to be busy. I do love having to learn how to use time more wisely and we are changing things up a bit to be better with our time. We want to teach more but we also want to accomplish more in the office. I am really grateful for Elder Burr and for him being so quick to serve and wanting to serve with all his might. Yesterday we were so happy to sit down with Brother Mike, Sam Juwillies friend, because he has really wanted to be baptized. 

We are so blessed because our area has been prepared so much. Our investigators keep their commitments, we sometimes miss them throughout the week, and they find us and ask us to teach them. I think it was last week that we got a call from a woman we had contacted previously who said “How much is it to go to the temple? I want to go there.” So we told her to study with us and be baptized first then she can go there.  The Lord is constantly in Liberia preparing their hearts and minds for the truth. This week was pretty awesome and I look forward to this coming week. We will be having mission council on Friday so it will be fun to see all the zone leaders. Talk to you next week!!
Elder Dahlin

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